I had this along with weakness in my right leg. It felt like dead weight at times. Other times, it was like there was a delayed reaction from my brain telling my body to move on that side. Hope that makes sense.
What initially helped me was a NUCCA chiropractor. Do NOT go to a regular chiro for this - it will likely make you worse! I spent 4 years as a chiropractic assistant.
Maybe Google symptoms for tilted/twisted atlas, cervical instability, or C1/C2 out of alignment. You could also see an atlas-orthogonal specialist if you don't have a NUCCA near you (we only have 2 in my state). Atlas problems do not always show up on regular imaging - I mean, they do, but doctors don't always check for them.
NUCCA helped me at first BUT then I got worse. That's because he overtreated me and I knew in my heart I should have stopped going. I only needed a few treatments. So watch out for that if you go!